Click Turn Windows features on or off in the left panel. Like you said, Microsoft introduced the first 64-bit version. A snap-in is considered available in 64-bit form if it exists as an HKEYCLASSESROOT\CLSID\snap-in clsid\InprocServer32. Some snap-ins are available in both 32-bit and 64-bit form. MMC64 cannot run 32-bit snap-ins, and MMC32 cannot run 64-bit snap-ins. 32-bit apps work just fine in a 64-bit OS. Microsoft 64-bit operating systems can run both 32-bit MMC (MMC32) and 64-bit MMC (MMC64).
A 64 bit application has no such limits, hence ram requirements have gone up a lot in recent years. If you fail to install your 32-bit software on your 64-bit system, try the following solution. Apps dont have to be 64-bit to run on a 64-bit app. Any 32bit application cannot access more than 4gb ram. IIS 6.0 using WOW64 is intended to run 32-bit personal productivity applications needed by software developers and administrators, including 32-bit Internet Information Services (IIS) Web applications. Games are either 32bit or 64 bit regardless of your OS, though a 64 bit game will not run on a 32bit system. IIS 6+ enables us to run 32-bit Web applications on 64-bit Windows using the Windows-32-on-Windows-64 (WOW64) compatibility layer. If you are using IIS 6+ on an operating system no older than Win2003 SP1, you’re in luck. This is because, by default, IIS launches CGI applications on 64-bit work process if you're running it under a 64-bit Windows. When you try to access a 32-bit application that is running under IIS on a 64-bit machine you will most probably end up with an error.