Soul calibur 5 characters
Soul calibur 5 characters

soul calibur 5 characters

His quotes reflect his dedication to his ideal of justice. For Great Justice: Patroklos fights to bring justice to Europe and cleanse it of the Malfested.Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Patroklos is the more foolish of the siblings due to his recklessness in killing innocent people whom he thought was a Malfested.

soul calibur 5 characters

Patroklos starts the game as one of those people. She starts the game being victimized by people because of their unjust assumption that she's a criminal.

soul calibur 5 characters

After the man denies this, Patroklos stabs him in the back, while gleefully stating how unfortunate it is that the man can't prove his innocence. Establishing Character Moment: The scene after his first battle in story mode has him accusing a man of being a Malfested because he's "pale and filthy".By the end, he's found his true resolve and becomes much more focused, though his battle quotes still retain just a teeny tiny bit of arrogance in them. Defrosting Ice Queen: At the start, he's a complete prick who only wants to find his sister and kill all malfested who stand in his way.Coming-of-Age Story: What the entire story mode boils down to for him.Character Development: He goes from an arrogant guy who just wants revenge against the Malfested and will kill anyone who even barely looks like one to almost becoming Soul Calibur's Knight Templar to moving past his hatred to save his sister.New Legends of Project Soul gives context to this. Burn the Witch!: He has this attitude towards the Malfested.Pyrrha turning into Pyrrha Omega and revealing herself as a Malfested finally pushes him into a Heroic BSoD. This is when he starts losing it, but he's not quite broken enough yet. Dumas appears and reveals himself as Nightmare, saying that the people Patroklos killed in his name were actually innocent people whose souls were devoured by Soul Edge afterward. Break the Haughty: After finally rescuing his sister and abandoning everything else, he gets his ass handed to him by Astaroth and then Voldo.Before Elysium's influence pushes him into that mindset again. He still does it, but his obvious reluctance subverts the trope. He is way, way, way less gung-ho about killing malfested once his sister reveals she is one. Black-and-White Insanity: Patroklos starts off the story mode with a vehement hatred of Malfested — to the point where he gleefully kills people he thinks are Malfested on-sight — due to having been raised being told one killed his beloved mother and kidnapped his little sister.Bishounen: Like most of the young male characters, he is designed with a smooth, handsome face, though he goes one step further with his mop of cherubic blond hair, evoking Classical Greek sculptures of beautiful young men.Tira: "What's that? Me? The only pawn on this board is this stupid little girl!" * Smack!*

Soul calibur 5 characters